The Jazz Master on Slideshare!

After spend­ing the last month build­ing my web­site, study­ing Inter­net mar­ket­ing, and get­ting ready to launch The Jazz Mas­ter, I final­ly got around yes­ter­day to design­ing a book trail­er to upload on slideshare. It was the first time I had ever used keynote and when I was fin­ished (it took me 3 hours) I won­dered why I had nev­er done it before. It was­n’t near­ly so daunt­ing as I’d imag­ined and, dare I say, I had fun. I’d rather be writ­ing but there is a lot to be said for hav­ing dif­fer­ent cre­ative chal­lenges in your life. So here it is. Hope you like it.

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